"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go."

Expand collapse popup drag and drop pic renamer #include #include #include Global $aListFiles, $sListFiles Global $sPreFixName = '', $sFileType = '' Global $sNewFolderName = 'FILE_RENAMER' $sPreFixName = InputBox ( 'Create Prefix', 'What is the prefix that you want for each file' ) $gui = GUICreate ( 'File_Renamer', 200, 200, - 1, - 1, - 1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES ) $ed = GUICtrlCreateEdit ( '', 5, 5, 190, 190 ) GUICtrlSetState ( - 1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED ) GUISetState ( ) While 1 $gm = GUIGetMsg ( ) Switch $gm Case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED $sListFiles &= StringRight (, stringlen ( ) - StringInStr (, '\', 0, - 1 ) ) For $x = 0 To UBound ( $aListFiles ) - 1 Local $sTempPath = $sTempPath = StringReplace ( $sTempPath, , '' ) MsgBox('','',$sTempPath & '***') If $aListFiles = '' Then _ArrayAdd ( $aListFiles, $sTempPath ) EndIf Next ConsoleWrite ( & ' ' & StringInStr (, '\', 0, - 1 ) & ) GUICtrlSetData ( $ed, $sListFiles ) Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd _ArrayDelete ( $aListFiles, 0 ) _ArrayDisplay($aListFiles) & "\PIC_RENAMER") For $x = 0 To UBound ( $aListFiles ) - 1 $sFileType = StringRight ( $aListFiles, 3 ) MsgBox('','extension',$sFileType) ConsoleWrite ( '>! WRITING.' & $aListFiles & ' -> ' & & "\" & $sNewFolderName & "\" & $sPreFixName & $x + 1 & '.' & $sFileType & ) FileCopy ( $aListFiles, & "\" & $sNewFolderName & "\" & $sPreFixName & $x + 1 & '.' & $sFileType, 9 ) If Then MsgBox ( '', 'ERROR', 'Could not copy file to directory.' ) Next